Scouting Efficiently
If you want to scout abilities efficiently, you'll want a good system for finding, evaluating, and submitting abilities. This appendix presents a proposed workflow for scouting efficiently. Keep in mind that this is just a suggestion, and you are free to scout in whichever way you feel is best. Feel free to share and collaborate with other Scouts in the #scouts channel in the Daylight Discord!
Choose a wallet to go through (a friend's wallet or a whale wallet works well).
Open the wallet in OpenSea or Zapper, and choose a token/community to start with.
Check whether the community seems like a scam (impersonates a large brand, little to no volume on OpenSea/Uniswap/Sushiswap, advertises scammy or spammy abilities). If it seems like a scam or spam, choose a different community.
Check whether the token is on a shared contract (OpenSea Shared Storefront, Rarible, etc.). If it is, choose a different community.
Check whether Daylight already has abilities from this community. you can do this by visiting your feed, watching an allowlisted wallet, and filtering to only show abilities from that wallet and filtering for the particular community, if the community shows up at all. Based on your own judgment and on the abilities that have already been submitted, decide whether there may be more abilities that you can add. If you decide that there aren't, choose another community.
Start looking for information on potential abilities. The best places to look are on the community's Discord, if they have one, and the community's official website. If the Discord has an Announcements channel, you can often find abilities by looking through that last few months of announcements. Getting Started or FAQ channels are also good for finding abilities. Likewise, look around the website to find potential abilities.
One common ability is a holder's only Discord channel. If it seems that there is a holder's channel, this is a good ability to add. If you're not sure whether there is a holder's channel, look for a wallet verification channel, and search the Discord for "holder's channel", oftentimes you'll find a comment that gives away that there is a holder's channel. Just be sure that this ability isn't one already covered by one of our suppliers, like! You'll be able to tell who provides the wallet verification service by visiting the wallet verification channel.
Once you find a potential ability, check whether it meets Daylight's standards. Remember, abilities should be relevant, actionable, sourced and not trait-based. See the "Verifying Potential Abilities" for more info.
If the ability is high quality and new to Daylight, you're ready to start the submission! Fill out the submission form. If you have questions on how to fill out the form, see the "Submitting Abilities" section.
Once you've submitted the ability, and move on to the next ability!
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