Finding Abilities
There are three main places you'll find abilities:
Your communities
Other communities
Your Community
The communities you're already a part of – whether you own the token or not – are the best source of abilities. As a community member, you will:
Be among the first to hear about your own communities' new abilities,
Understand how your communities' token mechanics work,
Recognize what sources of info are trustworthy, and
Know where you can find more info about abilities.
Although you may see that some abilities related to your communities have already been submitted, that doesn't mean that all of them have. If there are more obscure abilities or abilities that only holders know about, they may not have been submitted yet! It's worthwhile to submit these more obscure abilities, as, unlike the wider Scouting community, you'll already know most of the info needed to submit the ability.
Are you in a leadership or community management role in your community? Even better! You know your project and its abilities better than anyone, and you're in the best position to submit abilities. Feel free to use Daylight as another channel to spread your ability-related announcements!
Other communities
There are thousands of web3 communities, and most of them won't have dedicated Scouts. So, while finding and gathering info on abilities from communities you're not familiar with might be more difficult, this is where you'll find most abilities. But, where do you start? Here are two suggestions:
Your friends' wallets: If you have friends with good taste, they may have tokens with good potential abilities.
Whale wallets: These can be whales that you already follow, or ones you find on whale tracking sites like
Keep in mind, however, that scam projects can airdrop tokens to a wallet, while making it look like the wallet minted the tokens. So, just because you see a token in a whale wallet doesn't mean that they endorse it!
You're free to be as thorough as you like when finding and submitting abilities from these communities, however, you may find that some abilities are hard to find any information on. So, it's usually most efficient to find and submit the most obvious abilities, then move on to the next community. Likewise, if there are no obvious abilities, it's best to move on to the next community. If you miss an ability, that just gives another Scout, maybe one more familiar with the community, the opportunity to add it later. See Scouting Efficiently for an example of how you might go about Scouting efficiently.
Incidental Abilities
Lastly, you may run across potential abilities in passing as you use Twitter and Discord. Many of these abilities will be mints for new projects and abilities not directly associated with a particular NFT community. While it may be more difficult to find these abilities, that's what makes them especially valuable! But, be especially careful with these – they're more likely to be scams than abilities you find other ways.
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